How much is Vuma Fibre per month?
R399 per month
Get Vuma fibre from R399 per month.
How can I get Vuma WiFi?
You can sign up for Vuma Reach Fibre via the Afrihost Fibre site. Please note that Vuma Reach is a prepaid product and payment is processed through Payfast and not Afrihost. Follow the steps below to sign up for a Vuma Reach Fibre package: Go to the Afrihost Vuma Reach Fibre microsite.
How much does Fibre cost?
Overall, the best value for money is Openserve 20⬆10⬇ for R339 and 30⬆10⬇ for R389. There is also the popular Vuma Fibre Reach 20⬆10⬇ deals for R399. Bear in mind that where you live will determine the packages available, so always check coverage first.
How do I pay for Vuma WiFi?
With our online gateway, you will need to pay via cheque or credit card. With EasyPay you can either pay in-store (see below for participating stores) or you can pay via the EasyPay App using your preloaded debit/credit card. We start the installation process and get you Fibre-ready!
vuma fibre

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