Truworths is a Cape Town-based, South African clothing retailer, with 728 stores in South Africa, and 49 elsewhere in Africa.

What stores are under Truworths?
Exclusively owned or licensed brands include Truworths, Truworths Man, Hemisphere, Trench, Moskow, Extream, Inwear, Identity, Daniel Hechter, LTD, LTD Kids, Ginger Mary, Uzzi, Hey Betty, Outback Red, OBR, Finnigans, Emily Moon, Earthaddict, Earthchild, Naartjie, Office London, Loads of Living, Context, Fuel, Primark …
Can I use my identity account at Truworths?
You can use a credit or debit card on both sites, or use your Truworths clothing account on the Truworths website and your Identity clothing account on the Identity website. Any questions? Please reach out to our Customer Care team.
Where else can I shop with my Truworths card?
you may only use your Truworths card at Truworths, Truworths Man, LTD, Uzzi, DH, Naartjie, Earthchild, Earthaddict and Office London stores.
Who is Truworths affiliated with?
Truworths International
Truworths forms part of Truworths International, an investment holding company listed on the JSE, whose companies are engaged in the retailing of fashion apparel and accessories. The Truworths International Retail Group incorporates Identity, YDE and Uzzi.
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