Can I use my Mr Price card at Sheet Street?
You can now use your Mr Price Money card to shop at any Mr Price, Mr price Home, Mr Price Sport, Sheet Street or Miladys store in South Africa!
Does Mr Price own Sheet Street?
We, Mr Price Group (“MRPG”, “we”, or “us”, “our”), including our trading divisions namely mrp, mrpHome, mrpSport, Sheet Street, Miladys and mrpMoney and all our subsidiary companies including mrpFoundation, are committed to safeguarding the privacy of your personal information or personal data (“PI”).
How many stores does Sheet Street have?
Great service has always been important to us. We want you to feel special when you’re in one of our 320 stores and when you’re shopping online. We’re friendly, approachable, we’re always there for you. Exceptional service is a core value to us, interwoven in the very fabric of our business.
How do I contact Sheet Street?
For any queries please don’t hesitate to contact our customer care line: 0800 212 535 or drop us an email at
sheet street

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