Roman’s Pizza is a South African-based pizza restaurant chain franchise founded in 1993. Originally named Little Caesar’s when it was founded by Arthur Nicolakakis in Pretoria. The chain was rebranded in 2002 and renamed Roman’s Pizza.
Romans Pizza

How much is 2 large pizza at Romans?
Roman’s Pizza – Get ANY 2 Large Pizzas For Only R129.
Who is the owner of Romans pizza?
Mr. A. Nicolakakis
History. It all started in 1993 when owner Mr. A. Nicolakakis, a restauranteur by trade, purchased a flagging pizza restaurant with the intention of turning it around with his extensive knowledge and expertise.
What is on Romana pizza?
In Naples, a pizza with tomato, anchovy, mozzarella and oilis called romano.
How many slices in a large Romans pizza?
Sihle Mooi We cut our Large pizzas into 8 Slices.
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