
Contact Number


How do I contact OnAir?

Contact Info

  1. For queries relating to your  DSTV EXPLORA DEAL.
  2. Phone: 0861 333 535. WhatsApp: 062 548 5630. Email: dstv@onairtv.co.za. … 
  4. Phone: 0861 333 535. WhatsApp: 062 548 5630. Email: billing@onairtv.co.za. … 
  5. For customer support queries relating to FIBRE.
  6. Phone: 0861 277 7383. WhatsApp: 062 548 5630.

What does OnAir offer?

With OnAir, you can get  DStv decoders, TV remotes, Wi-Fi connectors, Showmax subscriptions and devices that give you seamless app integration with services like Netflix and Amazon Prime Video — making connection, payment and entertainment more convenient than ever before.

Is OnAir an approved dealer of MultiChoice?

MultiChoice said that accredited dealers — like On Air — sold decoders on a separate finance deal, making the customer liable for the hardware they purchased from the dealer “should they choose to cancel their subscription”. It said this was standard practice when taking out any contract that includes a device.

What is  DStv OnAir?

OnAir offers amazing Fibre deals,  DStv decoders, Remotes, Wifi Connectors, Showmax subscriptions, Value Added Services, all without you having to get up off your  chair.

