
Contact Number


How do I contact MiWay vehicle insurance?

Contact us on: 0860 64 64 64.

Does MiWay cover total loss?

‘Total Loss’ provides insurance cover to clients for the total loss of their vehicles only due to write-offs, theft or hijack, as well as limited third-party liability. Accidental damage that does not result in a total loss is not covered.

What is the Myway policy?

miWay is a simple life insurance policy. It provides money either in the event of you passing away, your Selected Family Member passing away, or you becoming totally permanently disabled suffering from a named critical illness or you becoming hospitalized for more than two nights.

Does MiWay pay claims?

The assessor will then conduct a photo-assessment of the damage to the vehicle. Once your claim has been approved: After validation and assessment, if it has been found that you have a valid claim, MiWay has the option to pay out cash, replace or repair the insured item – or any combination thereof.

