How do I contact MTN fraud?
At MTN, we take the abuse of our network and services very seriously. Should you have any suspicions of fraudulent activity, we welcome your help in putting a stop to it. Call 135 from your MTN mobile or 083 135 from any other number if you suspect that you have been a victim of fraud.
Where can I report MTN?
Complaints can be sent to the following contact points: Should MTN fail to resolve a customer’s complaint within 14 days, the complaint may be escalated to ICASA at or 012 568 3000/3001.
How do I report a number to MTN?
Conversation. Amount involved Your Region: Fraudster’s number(s): Fraudster’s name (If known): Brief narration of the scamming incident: You can equally report fraud via email to or *170# choose option 6 My Wallet, further select option 4 Report Fraud and follow prompt.
How do I contact fraud in South Africa?
You do not have to give your name when reporting fraud or corruption using: National Ant-Corruption Hotline: 0800 701 701 (toll free number) Fax: 0800 204 965 (toll free number)Post: P.O Box 582, Umhlanga Rocks 4320.
mtn fraud

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