How do I contact Momentum insurance?
Momentum head office
- 268 West Avenue, Centurion, 0157.
- Switchboard. +27 12 671 8911.
- 129 Rivonia Road, Sandton.
- Telephone. 0860 111 234/011 669 3999.
- Parc du Cap, 4 Mispel Road, Bellville, Cape Town, 7530.
- Telephone. 021 940 5911.
What does Momentum insurance cover?
Momentum Priceless gives you comprehensive insurance cover for your car, home, and personal belongings. Our innovative benefits and rewards like Safety Returns, Safety Alert, and Momentum Assist, go beyond protecting your valuables, at no additional cost.
How do I check my Momentum policy?
Under My Momentum, enter your email address or username and the password that you selected when you created your online profile and then click Log in. Review your benefits and understand how they work, check your benefit statement and read the member guide. Change your personal details. Update your contact details.
What type of insurance is Momentum?
At Momentum Insure, we provide you with reliable short-term insurance to protect your valuables you worked hard for like your car, home, and other personal belongings. You get cover tailored to your needs, with extra rewards and benefits.
momentum insurance

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