Is Johannesburg water safe to drink today?
YES. Johannesburgers drink water of world-class standards. The quality of the water supplied by the city’s supplier, Rand Water, is measured against international standards, and “easily achieves those standards”.
How do I log a call on JOBURG water?
TO log any fault, contact the Joburg Call Centre on 0860 562 874 or 0860-JOBURG, or phone Joburg Water on 011 688 1500. You may also log a fault on the Johannesburg water website here.
Can I drink tap water in JOBURG?
Yes, you can drink tap water in South Africa when you visit large cities such as Johannesburg, Cape Town, Durban and Pretoria.
How clean is Johannesburg’s water?
Johannesburg Water. Joburg’s tap water rates among the cleanest, safest and healthiest in the world – and it is the task of Johannesburg Water to provide top quality water and a world class sanitation service to the city’s three million residents.
Johannesburg Water

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