Contact Number


Contact Number for JMPD: Johannesburg’s Lifeline to Safety

In the bustling metropolis of Johannesburg, ensuring safety on the streets is paramount. The Johannesburg Metropolitan Police Department (JMPD) stands as a bulwark against crime, providing crucial assistance to residents and visitors alike. If you find yourself in need of their services or wish to report an incident, having the JMPD contact number at your fingertips is essential.

Why Contact JMPD?

JMPD is tasked with maintaining law and order on the streets of Johannesburg. From traffic management to crime prevention, their responsibilities are diverse and vital for the city’s functioning. Here are some reasons you might need to contact them:

  1. Emergency Assistance: In case of accidents, emergencies, or witnessing a crime in progress, contacting JMPD can expedite the response of law enforcement officers.
  2. Traffic Incidents: Whether it’s a major collision causing traffic congestion or a minor fender-bender, JMPD can provide assistance and ensure the smooth flow of traffic.
  3. Reporting Suspicious Activities: If you notice any suspicious behavior or activities in your neighborhood, reporting it to JMPD can help prevent potential crimes.
  4. Community Engagement: JMPD often conducts community outreach programs and events. Contacting them can provide information about upcoming initiatives or how to get involved in community safety efforts.

Contacting JMPD:

The Johannesburg Metropolitan Police Department offers several channels for contacting them. Here are the primary ones:

  1. Emergency Number: For urgent situations requiring immediate assistance, dial 10111. This number connects you to emergency services, including the police, fire department, and ambulance services.
  2. JMPD Call Center: For non-emergency situations, you can contact the JMPD Call Center at 011 375 5911. This number is available 24/7 for reporting incidents, seeking information, or requesting assistance.
  3. Social Media: JMPD is active on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook. While these platforms may not be suitable for emergencies, they can be useful for general inquiries or sharing information about community events.
  4. Website: The official website of the City of Johannesburg often provides contact information for various departments, including JMPD. Visiting the website can offer additional contact details and resources.

Tips for Contacting JMPD:

  • Provide Clear Information: When contacting JMPD, provide as much detail as possible about the incident or situation. This helps them respond effectively and efficiently.
  • Remain Calm: Whether it’s an emergency or a routine inquiry, remaining calm while communicating with JMPD personnel can facilitate smoother interactions.
  • Follow Instructions: If JMPD provides instructions or asks questions, follow them promptly. This helps them assess the situation accurately and provide appropriate assistance.

In Johannesburg, JMPD serves as a crucial link between the community and law enforcement. By having their contact number readily available and knowing when to reach out, residents and visitors contribute to the city’s safety and well-being.