Is IXL completely free?
Yes! IXL offers a free Android app for students to practice math, language arts, science, social studies, and Spanish on the go and earn fun awards.
What does IXL do for kids?
IXL combines a comprehensive K-12 curriculum, the Real-Time Diagnostic, personalized guidance, and actionable analytics to give you everything you need to personalize instruction and help students progress faster.
Is IXL good for ADHD?
Teaching students with ADHD, dyslexia and other learning differences requires a highly individualized approach. High school math teacher Barbara Knight found that implementing IXL Math and the Real-Time Diagnostic in her classroom was key in differentiating instruction for students with special needs.
Does IXL cost anything?
Classroom licenses start at $249/year. Site licenses are priced based on the number of students and subjects. All subscriptions include access to IXL’s curriculum, Real-Time Diagnostic, personalized guidance, and analytics.

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