Contact Number


iWYZE Contact Number

If you’re looking for reliable and affordable insurance solutions in South Africa, iWYZE is a trusted name. From car and home insurance to life and business coverage, iWYZE offers a range of products designed to meet your needs. Whether you’re an existing customer or looking to make an inquiry, having the right contact information is essential. Below, you’ll find the necessary contact details for iWYZE.

iWYZE Contact Information

Customer Service

For general inquiries, policy information, or customer service, you can reach iWYZE at:

Phone Number: 0860 93 94 93
Email: info@iwyze.co.za

Claims Department

If you need to file a claim or have questions about an existing claim, contact the iWYZE claims department:

Phone Number: 0860 93 94 92
Email: claims@iwyze.co.za

Emergency Assistance

In the event of an emergency, iWYZE provides 24/7 assistance to ensure you’re never left stranded:

Phone Number: 0860 93 94 91


If you need to visit or send mail to iWYZE, here is their physical address:

Physical Address:
iWYZE House,
Dunkeld Crescent,
Dunkeld West,
Johannesburg, 2196,
South Africa

Social Media

Stay connected with iWYZE through their social media channels for updates and more information:

For more contact numbers and information, you can visit the Contact Number website.

Finding the right contact details for your insurance needs has never been easier. iWYZE is committed to providing excellent customer service and support whenever you need it. Don’t hesitate to reach out to them for any assistance or inquiries you may have.

For more contact information and details on other companies in South Africa, visit Contact Number.

This article provides essential contact details for iWYZE insurance in South Africa, helping you get the support you need quickly and efficiently.