Intercity Bus

Contact Number

Intercity Bus

Intercity Bus Contact Numbers in South Africa

Intercity bus travel is a convenient and popular mode of transportation in South Africa, connecting major cities and towns across the country. Here are some essential contact numbers for various intercity bus services:

  1. Greyhound South Africa
  • Customer Service: 011 611 8000
  • Website: Greyhound
  1. Intercape
  • Customer Service: 021 380 4400
  • Website: Intercape
  1. Eldo Coaches
  1. Translux
  • Customer Service: 0861 589 282
  • Website: Translux
  1. Citiliner
  • Customer Service: 011 611 8000
  • Website: Citiliner
  1. Baz Bus
  • Customer Service: 0861 229 287
  • Website: Baz Bus
  1. City to City

These contact numbers are crucial for booking tickets, checking schedules, and resolving any travel-related queries when planning intercity bus journeys in South Africa. For the most current information, visit the respective websites or call their customer service numbers directly.






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