Contact Number


GEPF Contact Number in South Africa

The Government Employees Pension Fund (GEPF) is a crucial entity providing pension benefits to government employees in South Africa. If you need to contact them for inquiries or assistance, here are the relevant contact details:

GEPF Contact Details:

  • Phone Number:
  • General Enquiries: 0800 117 669
  • Outside South Africa: +27 12 319 9800
  • Fax: +27 12 326 2507
  • Email:
  • Postal Address:
    Government Employees Pension Fund
    Private Bag X63
    South Africa
  • Physical Address:
    GEPF Building
    2 Cnr Nossob & Grosvenor Streets
    Hatfield, Pretoria

Operating Hours:
Monday to Friday, 07:30 – 16:00 (excluding public holidays)

For more detailed information about your pension benefits, eligibility, or any other queries related to GEPF, feel free to contact them using the provided details.

Always ensure to verify the contact information directly from the official GEPF website or other official sources to ensure accuracy and avoid potential scams.