How do I submit documents to gems?
You can fax this information to 0861 00 4367 or you can send an email to (use your membership number as a reference). You can also drop off the information at one of our GEMS walk-in centres or post it to: GEMS, Private Bag X782, Cape Town, 8000.
How long does it take for Gems medical aid to be approved?
A General Waiting Period (GWP) of up to 3 months; and/or • A Condition-Specific Waiting Period (CSWP) of up to 12 months. A General Waiting Period is a period in which a beneficiary is not entitled to claim any benefits, or in certain circumstances, only in respect of Prescribed Minimum Benefit (PMB) conditions.
How do I nominate a doctor for gems?
Nominations can be made by contacting the GEMS call centre on 0860 00 4367. In order to avoid having to pre-authorise a specialist consult, and/or avoid a 30% co-payment, GEMS beneficiaries on the Tanzanite One and Emerald Value options require a referral from their nominated network FP.
How do I get gems to call me?
For more information on how to join GEMS, please visit, or call 0860 00 4367, or SMS “please call me” to 083 450 4367 and an agent will call you. Take Note: Adult dependant rates are payable for all eligible dependants who are 21 years of age or older.
gems pre authorisation

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