Flick Damp Proofing

Can you damp proof without removing plaster?

In most cases removing plaster is not required to treat damp. Plaster removal is only needed when performing certain damp proofing jobs. These include certain methods to fix rising damp.

Which product is best for damp proofing?

Damp proofing membranes can also be made from polyethylene foil. They are 100% impermeable — they repel water, completely preventing it from penetrating the membrane. Poly Wall Aluma Flash and Aluma Flash Plus come in a thickness of 40 mils, which is about 4 times as thick as a typical damp proofing membrane.

Is damp proofing worth it?

That’s why you usually see signs of dampness and even mildew on the lowest levels of buildings and masonry houses. By damp-proofing, you make your building resistant to moisture, reducing the rate of water absorption and thereby preventing it from passing into the interior space and causing damage to your building.

What is the difference between water proofing and damp proofing?

However, waterproofing is the only method that will protect your building from the force of hydrostatic pressure water passing through your walls. Dampproofing, on the other hand, merely retards the moisture from being absorbed in buildings where you don’t have the worry about hydrostatic pressure.

Flick Damp Proofing


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