Dischem Medical Aid

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Dischem Medical Aid

Dischem Medical Aid

Does Dischem have a medical aid?

Health Insurance

It provides coverage of up to an additional 500% of medical aid rates for tariff shortfalls and also covers sub-limits, dental reconstruction as well as Family Protector and Hospital Booster benefits up to a specified limit. Starting from R134pm for adults and R19pm for children.

What is the Dischem health core plan?

MyHealth Core is our standard primary healthcare insurance option that provides coverage for a broad spectrum of health problems R450/month for adults and R315/month for children.

Which medical aid is the cheapest?

Medical Aid under R1000

  • Bonitas – Boncap Student. Affordable, income-based medical aid for students. … 
  • Health Squared – Foundation. … 
  • Resolution Health – Foundation. … 
  • Momentum – Ingwe Option. … 
  • Momentum – Ingwe-Student Plan.

How do I contact Kaelo medical insurance?

Contact us on 0861 493 587 or www.kaelo.co.za. Unlimited visits. How to Find Your Doctor or GP? Contact the call centre 0861 493 587 or visit the Network Provider website at www.primecure.co.za.

Dischem Medical Aid

Dischem Medical Aid
Dischem Medical Aid


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