Cool Ideas

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Information Services

Cool Ideas

Cool Ideas

What is the registration number of cool ideas company?

Cool Ideas Service Provider, a private company with registration number 2016/046103/07incorporated under the laws of the RSA; 1.9.

How do you pay cool ideas?

Recurring/Instant EFT

The new facility allows you to use the same reference every month, when making a payment, which means you can simply schedule an automatic EFT payment using your bank’s EFT facilities, or do an instant EFT using the reference — saving you time!

Is cool ideas part of afrihost?

It was first reported in June that Afrihost and Cool Ideas have concluded a deal where Afrihost will buy a majority stake in Cool Ideas. Cool Ideas will continue operating as a stand-alone brand and business with the same management team and employees.

What router does cool ideas supply?

Fibre Routers from ISPs

TP-Link 300Mbps Wireless N Router
Used by ISPCool Ideas

Cool Ideas

Cool Ideas
Cool Ideas


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