How do I contact Bankmed medical aid?
0800 226 5633
Contact us on 0800 BANKMED (0800 226 5633), e-mail or send a fax to 011 529 6485 for pre-authorisation, at least 48-hours prior to your admission into hospital.
What does Bankmed fall under?
Bankmed (the Scheme) and Discovery Health Medical Scheme are both registered medical schemes under the Medical Schemes Act 131 of 1998 (the Act) and are regulated by the Council for Medical Schemes.
Is Bankmed linked to Discovery?
The administration of Bankmed is, by law, independent from the management of the Scheme and all administration services are contracted to Discovery Health (Pty) Ltd, an accredited medical scheme administrator.
Who owns Bankmed?
Bankmed is owned by the family of Rafic Hariri, the former prime minister and billionaire businessman who was assassinated in 2005. The bank is also the largest shareholder in Solidere, the real estate company that rebuilt Beirut’s Central District after the Lebanese Civil War.

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