Who is Astron Energy owned by?
Who owns Astron Energy? Glencore owns 72% of Astron Energy South Africa and 100% of Astron Energy Botswana. The remaining 28% of Astron Energy South Africa is held by Off The Shelf Investments (OTS) (23%) and Astron Energy employees (5%).
Is Astron Energy part of Caltex?
The rebrand from Caltex to Astron Energy is the largest change in the South African fuel industry in three decades, states the company.
Why is Caltex changing to Astron?
All Caltex-branded service stations in SA and Botswana are to be rebranded Astron Energy. The name change follows the 2018 acquisition of the former Chevron SA by Glencore SA Oil Investments, since which time Astron Energy has been operating the Caltex brand under a licence agreement.
Is Astron a South African company?
Astron Energy is South Africa’s second largest petroleum network with over 850 Caltex-branded service stations in SA and Botswana.
Astron Energy

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