What does AllLife cover?
AllLife offers whole, pure-risk life and disability insurance products. Pure-risk means that our products do not include a savings element, and do not offer a surrender value at the end of the term or upon the termination of the policy. We do not provide investment, savings, or medical insurance products.
How much is AllLife cover?
Premiums start from R 190, and cover will and lasts for the rest of your life, provided premiums are paid up to date. For very little extra you can also get disability cover, cash when you need it most. (Up to the age of 65).
How do I contact AllLife South Africa?
0861 25 55 43
Call AllLife on 0861 25 55 43.
What is the age limit for life cover?
65 years
At 1Life the life assured must be younger than 65 years to qualify for life cover. Both the life assured, and policy owner must follow the rules of the policy.

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