

Airlink is an airline based in Johannesburg, South Africa. Its main business is to provide services between smaller, under-served towns and larger hub airports. It has since expanded to offer flights on larger, mainline routes. The airline has an ever-expanding network of over 60 routes across 50+ destinations.



Who is Airlink owned by?

Airlink is privately owned, but has published the names of its shareholders: Sishen Iron Ore Company Community Development Trust (32.51%) Coronation CapitalSA Airlink Investments (Rodger Foster)

How much do Airlink cabin crew members make?

Airlink’s average salary is R148,086.00; Mango Airlines’ average salary is R177,000.00; RPC’s average salary is R176,549.00; and. SA FlyFair’s average salary is R176,000.00.

How reliable is SA Airlink?

SA Airlink is a South African carrier. Frequent travelers give the airline an average rating of 7.3/10.

How do I contact Airlink?

For general queries, please contact the Airlink Reservations Support desk on +27 11 451 7300 select option 1 or, alternatively contact the Customer Care Team on or on +27 11 451 7300 select option 2.


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