Agri Tunnels

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Agri Tunnels

What are tunnels in agriculture?

Tunnel farming is an agriculture technique in which the crop is grown in a long row or block under row covers, where it is protected from environmental factors such as rain, hail, snow, wind, frost, and pests. It can be done on both a commercial or subsistence level.

How much is a farming tunnel?

Low cost tunnel structures can range between R200-300 per m2, whereas multispan structures can be anything from R300-R600 per m2, depending on the level of automation and ventilation required.

Is tunnel farming profitable?

Tunnel Farming: A Profitable Solution

Here are some reasons why tunnel farming is profitable in the South African context: Climate Control: Tunnels offer a controlled environment, allowing farmers to regulate temperature, humidity, and ventilation.

What is the difference between a high tunnel and a low tunnel?

Low tunnels are similar to high tunnels but much smaller—only about 3 feet high and 4 feet wide. They are a lot simpler and less expensive to erect.

agri tunnels


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