ADT Inc., formerly The ADT Corporation, is an American company that provides residential, small and large business electronic security, fire protection, and other related alarm monitoring services throughout the United States. The corporate head office is located in Boca Raton, Florida.

What is the cost of ADT a month?
The total cost for the ADT Secure Home Package starts at:
$599 to $899 upfront + $45.99/month; or. $55.97 to $60.97/month.
How much does ADT cost per month in South Africa?
R300 – R800/month
It includes 24-hour alarm signal monitoring and armed response, SMS notifications, dispatching of EMS or SAPS services.
What is ADT security stand for?
American District Telegraph
American District Telegraph (ADT) Founder Edward Callahan created a telegraph-based “call-box” to signal for assistance to a central office. He quickly connected 50 other homes in the neighborhood, creating the first residential security system network.
Who owns ADT Security South Africa?
Fidelity Services Group
Fidelity ADT has grown to become a fully South African-owned business with local knowledge and part of Fidelity Services Group, providing end to end integrated solutions.
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